Simply send us a copy of your school ID or one of these other documents after placing your order.
You will need one of the following documents:
College Students/Parents
- Instant Online Verification
- Dated Student ID from the current semester or school year
- Course Schedule
- Registration Receipt for this semester
- Letter of Enrollment on school letterhead
K12 Student/Parents
- Report Card
- Dated Student ID from the current semester or school year
- Registration Receipt
- Letter of Enrollment on school letterhead
Teachers, Faculty, Staff
- Link to your faculty web page
- Current Faculty ID
- Letter of Employment on school letterhead
- Pay Stub (cross out confidential information)
Home School Students/Parents
- Membership in Home School Association
- Receipt for Home School Curriculum
- Letter of intent to home school from a state agency
School Districts, Colleges, Universities
Nonprofit Organizations
- Copy of IRS 501(c)3 form
- IRS letter stating you are a 501(c)3
Type |
Eligible? |
Qty Limit |
Full time Hi-Ed |
Yes |
1 |
Part time Hi-Ed |
Yes |
1 |
K-12 |
Yes |
1 |
Preschool |
No |
Homeschool |
No |
Type |
Eligible? |
Qty Limit |
Hi-Ed |
Yes |
1 |
K-12 |
Yes |
1 |
Preschool |
No |
Type |
Eligible? |
Qty Limit |
Hi-Ed |
Yes |
1 |
K-12 |
Yes |
1 |
Preschool |
No |
Type |
Eligible? |
Qty Limit |
Hi-Ed |
No |
K-12 |
No |
Preschool |
No |
Type |
Eligible? |
Qty Limit |
Non-Profit |
No |
Museum |
No |
Library |
No |
Type |
Eligible? |
Qty Limit |
Government |
No |
Music Instructor
Type |
Eligible? |
Qty Limit |
Music Instructor |
No |
Type |
Eligible? |
Qty Limit |
Correctional |
No |
Military Service Person
Type |
Eligible? |
Qty Limit |
US Air Force |
No |
US Army |
No |
US Coast Guard |
No |
US Navy |
No |
Type |
Eligible? |
Qty Limit |
Alumni |
No |